Almost all of Stephen Colbert‘s congressional testimony about migrant farm workers today was in (goofy) character, but during the question and answer period, he was asked why he chose the particular issue of immigration reform.  Colbert was silent for a moment, running his fingers through his hair, and then, stepping out of character for a moment, said, “I like talking about people who have no power.”  He then went on to say, “You know, ‘Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers…’  and these seem like the least of our brothers.”

I’m not sure of the Bible version (it’s none that I have on hand — perhaps others know), but I found it interesting that, when pushed, Colbert found himself reaching back for scripture.  It was a rare glimpse of the man behind the (often irreverent) wit.  It was also a good reminder that, because our relationships through the marketplace are moral and spiritual as well as economic, the inherent sacredness of our meals calls us to pay attention to those who work so that we might eat.

What’s the supply chain of your communion elements?

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